
General Info


    Pcsxr-xenon - Release a 0.5

       Pcsxr-xenon is a sony playstation 1 emulator using libxenon, based on lastest PCSX-Reloaded source code available.


     alpha 0.5.1
         - missing sound over hdmi


     - Big thanks to GliGli to mantain libxenon
     - Thanks to [c0Z], i'm always asking you something and don't understand
     - Thanks to Razkar, Tuxuser, Cancerous to support me all the time
     - Thanks to Pcsx-reloaded, pcsx-rearmed, shalma to your gift to the ps1 emulation scene

     Ced2911 - 08/14/2011

  Update 04/03/2012

     Pcsxr 0.6

     New gpu plugin, allow to play game in hd !!

     Load game from fat, ext2/3/4, ntfs device

     Save states support


     Gligli, Razkar, Tuxuser, [c0z], lantus, all the libxenon-dev team

  Update 18/03/2012

     Pcsxr 0.62

     Remove ext2/3/4, ntfs support (red screen on some setup)

     Bug fixe on gpu plugin
