
Trinity is the codename of the motherboard used in the Xbox 360 Slim. It is the sixth motherboard revision. It was originally believed that it’s codename was Valhalla, but after looking through debug files it was found that this is not the case. It no longer has Memory Unit ports. It has a special port for connecting the Kinect peripheral, which provides power to the device instead of plugging it in seperately. It also features a single chip that contains the CPU, GPU and eDRAM, with a 45nm die size. The Xbox 360 Slim, and as a result, the motherboard are much smaller than the original. It also contains an internal USB port which has a 802.11n WiFi card inserted. The HDD port was also changed, making it much smaller and flush against the case. The RRoD is also non-existant, replaced with a single red power light on any errors.
